Laser system alignment

Leverage the ease of use of SID4 wavefront sensors to master optical systems alignment

SID4 wavefront sensors bring a lot of advantages to perform optical system alignment. First, the SID4 range covers a large set of wavelength spectrums: UV, visible, NIR, SWIR, MWIR, and LWIR. Second, the SID4 is compact and easy to align which makes the measurement straightforward to put in place. Last, the high resolution, large dynamic range, and nanometric sensitivity ensure an accurate and robust wavefront qualification. The Phasics SID4 wavefront sensors offer the best solutions to engineers, researchers, and manufacturers for optical system alignment and qualification in R&D and production environments. 

  • ▽ Optical system collimation

    Setup showing a laser and optical system collimation with Phasics SID4 wavefront sensor

    For optical system collimation, it is straightforward to monitor the defocus Zernike term, the divergence of the beam and the radius of curvature, live on the SID4 software.                                                        

  • ▽ Afocal telescope alignment in single pass

    Setup showing am afocal telescope alignment in single pass with SID4 wavefront sensor

    Using the live calculation of the wavefront Zernike or Legendre polynomials, it is possible to finely optimize the alignment of afocal telescopes. Measurement can be performed in single-pass or double-pass (see next figure) configurations with the help of the R-Cube self-illuminated source module.

  • ▽ Afocal telescope alignment in double pass

    Setup showing an afocal telescope alignment in double pass with SID4 wavefront sensor and R-Cube illumination module

    Telescope alignment in double-pass configuration.

  • ▽ Off-axis parabola alignment

    Setup showing the off axis parabola alignment with SID4 HR wavefront sensor

    Thanks to the SID4's unique capability to measure a diverging beam without a relay lens and the live calculation of the wavefront aberrations, the SID4 can be used as a tool to ease the alignment of complex components such as off-axis parabolas.


Measurement examples

High resolution wavefront map in 3D measured  with SID4 wavefront sensor

Wavefront aberrations

Wavefront measurement decomposed on Zernike polynomials measured with a visible SID4 wavefront sensor

Zernike and Legendre polynomials

Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) measured  with a visible SID4 wavefront sensor

Beam parameters, MTF and PSF


Live measurements

  • Live intensity and wavefront
  • Live Zernike and Legendre
  • Live parameters, PSF, MTF, Tilts


  • Compact
  • Easy to align
  • Works with large NA beams

State of the art wavefront sensor

  • High resolution
  • Large dynamics
  • Achromaticity



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